Jay Z Fake Laughing For A Picture Is Basically All Of Us Insert Jay Z laugh sound here. Posted on June 02, 2017, 14:37 GMT

Jay Z Fake Laughing For A Picture Is Basically All Of Us

Insert Jay Z laugh sound here.

Posted on June 02, 2017, 14:37 GMT

Delaney Strunk

BuzzFeed Staff

So last night was game one of the 2017 NBA finals, and sitting court side was the one and only Jay Z, who was having the time of his life — or so it seems.

Ezra Shaw / Getty Images

Also in attendance last night was comedian Kevin Hart who could not stop smiling and laughing throughout the evening.

Enikonhart / Via instagram.com

It seems like Kevin and Jay Z were living it up right? Well after the game was over the two got together to take a picture. That’s when Jay Z pulled the oldest Instagram trick in the book and asked the photographer to, “Take the picture while we talking.”

@LowKeyUHTN / Via Twitter: @LowKeyUHTN

Asking someone to take a picture while you’re talking with a friend so that it looks candid is basically Instagram 101, we definitely feel you Jay Z.

@knucklesamwitch / Via Twitter: @knucklesamwitch

He’s even perfected the art of the fake laugh.

DJ Akademiks / Via Twitter: @IamAkademiks

Now it has people questioning which of his pics are candid and which are staged.

Don Pablo / Via Twitter: @Cl3v3lander216

I mean when you think about it, Jay Z laughing in photos is kind of his M.O.

Ari Perilstein / Getty Images

Here he is sharing a laugh with Ed Sheeran.

Christopher Polk / Getty Images

“All right fellas lets do that Boomerang thing where we clink our glasses together.”

Nicholas Hunt / Getty Images

“Okay Jake how about we do a silly one this time?”

Rich Schultz / Getty Images

“Quick Bey, act like I said something really funny.”

Jason Miller / Getty Images

It seems like the rest of us need to step up our Instagram game. All hail Jay Z — King of Brooklyn and master of the candid pic.


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