2017 neco physics practical Answers ================================== 1i) TABULATE s/n, L(cm), t1(s), t2(s), t=t1+t2/2(s), T(s), 100T, log100T, logL s/n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 L(cm) 90.00, 85.00, 80.00, 75.00, 70.00 t1(s) 9.20, 8.90, 8.65, 8.20, 7.65 t2(s) 9.30, 9.00, 8.45, 8.10, 7.54 t=t1+t2/2(s) 9.25, 8.95, 8.55, 8.15, 7.59 T(s) 0.463 0.448 0428 0408 0379 100T 46.30 44.80 42.80 40.80 37.90 log100T 1.666 1.653 1.634 1.613 1.579 logL 1.954, 1.929, 1.903, 1.875, 1.845, 1x) slope,S=change in log100T/change in logL 1bi) couple is an occurence when two equal but oppositely directed parrallel force not acting straight line. Moment of a couple is define as the product of the force and perpendicular distance between the line of action of the two forces 1bii) Relationship:R=Mg+Mg 1biii) centre of gravity of a body is the point at which its resultant weight seems to act. Stability of an object depends on the position of the centre of gravity. ================================== ...
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